We are a large and growing independent reporting network exploring matters of public concern by examining the challenges and opportunities facing the College of Veterinary Medicine at Oklahoma State University. To use a common medical concept: We're performing a differential diagnosis of the CVM. The CVM Independent publishes daily articles based on extensive, ongoing reporting and investigation.
* This site is NOT sponsored by, affiliated with or maintained by Oklahoma State University or any officials thereof.
Why is CVM Independent necessary?
We believe it is vitally important to fully explore what has caused such full-spectrum deterioration of CVM in the six years since two pivotal events occurred: CVM was put on probationary accreditation status and a new Dean was appointed.
What is our purpose?
We believe that University leadership and key stakeholders do not have full insight into CVM's problems - and especially their causes. Our goal is to explore and report information that they may not have, or are otherwise unable to gather given institutional challenges. Our mission is to help.
How do we conduct reporting?
We investigate, examine and report information regarding the performance and institutional welfare of the CVM. We welcome submissions to correct, dispute or contextualize articles, as well as tips or information. ( Contact here, anonymous submissions welcome). We do not publish the identities of contributors and sources.
How do we operate?
This site, its contents and its contributors are protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and state laws governing the reporting of matters of public concern regarding a taxpayer-funded institution.